Notice a decline in your libido, then this may be why...

Having a healthy libido adds vitality to one's life. The difference between a high and low drive is like living life on a grayscale as supposed to one of HD quality- full color spectrum. It's what one would consider a natural enhancer. As you know, their is nothing more disappointing than being excited and ready only to be met by someone who isn't matching your energy. So what do you do? Typically, a synthetic prescribed enhancer is the first option to increase drive, meanwhile often overlooking the contributing factors within a person's lifestyle practice. However, taking this route will never get you to the root of the problem.
So lets get to the basics. The simplistic meaning of libido is, psychic drive or energy. So when you peel back the layers you are left with addressing causes that effect your mood (psychic drive) and blood flow (energy). Your libido is influenced by biological, psychological, and social factors. Biologically, the sex hormones and associated neurotransmitters (primarily testosterone and dopamine) send and receive feedback from a region of the brain which regulates your sex drive. All of these influential factors come in forms of stress inducers. Like any systemic dysfunction, stress is at the root. Although our bodies adapt to stress differently there are some common generalized contributors. Here are 3 practices that can be mitigated or avoided completely to improve your libido (quality of life).
Practice #1 - Excessive drinking
The exchange: While we drink to 'destress' from the burdens of the day we are actually putting more stress on the body (liver).
Drinking is hard on the liver. Amongst other essential roles, the liver is tasked with filtering and removing waste as well as assisting with balancing reproductive hormones. Inducing continuous unnecessary stress will exhaust and weaken organs. A weak organ's function is compromised, hence increasing the risk of inflammation, hormonal imbalance, decreased energy, depressed mood and other chronic conditions.
Practice #2 - Smoking
The exchange: For a sensation of temporary relief from the stresses of our reality we are putting stress on our lungs.
Our lungs is essential to gas exchange. When we inhale smoke, it causes oxygen deprivation which leads to oxygen deficiency. The presence of oxygen improves cardiovascular flow which nourishes our neurovascular and our muscular system. An oxygenated body functions better, decreasing this gas exchange will labor the body and definitely affect your energy and mood.
From Medical News Today, the American Cancer Society states that males who smoke are at a higher risk of erectile dysfunction. The risk increases the more a male smokes and the longer they smoke for. This is because smoking can damage blood vessels, leading to reduced blood flow to the penis... A 2022 study collected data from 6,754 men, they found that current smokers reported having low libido more frequently than nonsmokers.
Practice #3 - Eating Junk food/ fatty-foods
The exchange: We call this comfort eating. Like the other practices we are risking our health for temporary satisfaction.
Foods in this category are abundant and easily accessible which makes it very tempting and convenient. However, eating junk/fatty foods exposes you to chemicals (EDC-endocrine disrupting chemicals) that derail the natural balance of your hormones, are high in calories and has little to no nutritional value. They either include high sugars and/or saturated fats which increases risks of cardiovascular, as well as endocrine (hormonal) and gut issues.
All three of these factors are common practices and will easily increase your risk of having a low libido and many frustrations. While aging is the one contributing factor we have absolutely no control over, these are aspects you can control. Now that we've addressed the effects of these habits, join the continued discussion this month, on foods and herbs that increase and support a healthy libido. Follow us on Instagram at @mdrnhealthandbeauty for further information.
This information is generalized and intended for educational purposes only. Due to potential individual contraindications, please see your primary care provider before implementing any strategies in these posts.