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Bynisha Cobbs-Myers, CHE, LE

Are You Living Life / Is Life Living You?

Updated: Jun 27, 2024

Are you living your life to the fullest? If not, that is another conversation for another day but for those who are what does that look like for you? This road can lead to two different outcomes depending on your interpretation. I recently had been apart of a conversation regarding the observation of someone's appearance and how much they've aged due to their lifestyle. As they were expressing their thoughts all I felt was disappointment as I recalled how this individual once looked and how they were being described now. I remember saying in response as I was trying to imaginarily share in the view of their perception, "It sounds like life lived them, huh?", and they quickly responded with an agreed, 'Yes!"

This speaks to the direct impact of our surroundings on our internal environment. The establishment of our surrounding environment is made up of individual components that interact with our senses, by way of our eyes, nose, mouth, ears and touch. These senses then transmits sensory throughout our nervous and cardiovascular systems which initiates hormonal signal transmittance to specific parts of the body. This consequently births mirroring internal conditions. Our internal environmental effects can often be displayed in one's appearance, perspective on life, and health. These are the variables of an individual's life which reveal how one invests in themselves.

Furthermore, this briefly directs our attention to you are what you digest. Before you attempt to correct the statement, no, I didn't mean you are what you eat, I definitely meant what I said. When we think of eating, we tend to envision what we consume by mouth. So, to broaden your scope of consumption I chose the term, digest. Digest means, 'to breakdown into substances that can be absorbed or used by the body; it is a compilation or summary of material or information.' This means all our senses are canals for information to be digested for the use of our body's performance, indicating visual outcomes of 'life living you or you living life.'

Everything accessible to us on this earth is at our disposal, to be used. The danger is not so much in using the 'what' we have access to, but in the 'how' we use it and in what manner. This directs our attention to the acknowledgement of cause and effect; the conscious intention behind meeting a personal need. So when you think of the statement 'living life to the fullest', is it to meet your appetite for personal reward or the personal gratification of rewarding others. Consider letting your perception of your surroundings, opportunities to support you in a manner that permits you to optimally perform as a whole (mentally, spiritually, and physically); it’s an interrelationship. We function daily at various levels mentally, emotionally and physically to meet the goals of the day. To ensure we operate at the best, it is important that we are mindful of those following to maintain a vibrant balance and reduce stress effects in our internal environment:

·        Pay attention to what you allow to enter your bodies portals. What you see, hear, taste are ways we digest what we consume. It can cause stress spikes (hormonally) in the body causing the body to be overworked and overstimulated, resulting in disruption within the body

·        Spend more time with yourself. Enjoy you, improve upon the relationship with yourself. Learn what different aspects like your body responses to people, foods, and certain practices (like the effects of what you eat, how your bowels look on a regular basis, how to improve your mood when you’re feeling down, etc.).  It is unbelievable how happiness and acceptance of oneself influences how you look and feel. It draws people to you like a magnet. When you feel good about yourself you make better decisions to protect that growth.

·        Become an explorer. Be a student of life. Push past the parameters of your comfort zone to broaden how you view the world around you. The world and everything in it are vast and filled with new information. It rewards you with enlightenment, knowledge, connection, fulfillment, and vibrancy through true fulfilled living

Be the one who looks surprisingly younger as supposed to those who look and feel older than their age. It's safe to say, we all desire to appear and feel younger but what are you actually doing to slow down those aging effects? Choose to be consistent about making choices to live life to the fullest to stay out of the gravitational pull of life living you.

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